Panduit P48D44M/ P42D06M Rack PDU
Mapped Fields:
Inlet: Active Power, Apparent Power, Current, Power Factor, Rated Amps, Voltage, and Energy. Inlet Pole: Index, Current, and Voltage. Circuit Breaker: Index, Current, Rated Amps, and State. Humidity Sensor: Index, Name, and Value. Temperature Sensor: Index, Name, and Value.
- Traps: Yes
- Created by: Gary Elango
Trap mappings:
"A critical alarm has occurred", " A warning alarm has occurred", "An informational alarm has occurred", "An alarm has cleared", "Test trap sent to a trap receiver to check proper reception of traps", "This trap is sent each time a power device is initialized.",
- Trap clearing: No
- Plugin Type: structured
- Classification: SNMP
- Tested PowerIQ Version: 6.x
- Certified: Yes
- Certified By: Gary Elango
- Date Created: Thursday, 25 October 2018
- License: 1
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