Rule - Set Cabinet Capacity from PDU Inlet Ratings and UPS Bank Redundancy

This rule sets the standard cabinet power capacity based on the model rating of the PDUs within the cabinet. Redundancy is determined by the downstream UPS bank the PDU is on. Using the PDU Continuous Rated Current and the voltage provides the total watt capacity for the cabinet using the smallest of the redundant PDU(s) For example, if PDU A and PDU C are on UPS bank A and are both rated for 24A, and PDU B is on UPS bank B rated at 24A, the calculated watts based on PDU B will be used as the cabinet capacity. The item that is updated to trigger this rule to run must be of class Rack PDU.

  • Category: Item Standard Fields
  • Created by: Alexis Layne
  • Date Created: Wednesday, 01 June 2022

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