If your device is not listed on the Standard Plugin, Dynamic Plugins for Download, or Plugins Available Upon Request pages, you can request a new free plugin.

Requesting a new plugin is as easy as 1, 2, 3.

  1. Obtain the MIB file for the device from the Manufacturer.
  2. Use Power IQ to capture an SNMP Walk.  We will use this to create a simulation for testing.  See instructions below.
  3. Create a ticket using the Sunbird Support Portal dynamic plugin request form  
    Please include the Manufacturer, specific Model number, MIB file, and SNMP walk file to the ticket.


Instructions to create a SNMP MIB walk using Power IQ

1. In Power IQ, click on the Settings tab
2. Click SNMP diagnostics

3. Enter an IP address of the device and the community string

4. Click Run Tests and wait. After a few minutes, a text file containing the SNMP walk will be created in the browser download folder.


Note: Many of these plugins are customer specific and may not work with other implementations of the same Make/Model without modifications.

Therefore, the following list of Plugins requires that you contact Sunbird via our portal, open a case, and we'll send you the files necessary to import this plugin into your Power IQ instance.

For Standard Plugins, which are supported out of the box within Power IQ, see Standard Plugins page.

Last update: 4/4/18


Manufacturer Model Product Type  Traps
Clever RPDU RPDU D  rack PDU no
Cmatic BCM standalone meter no
Cyberex PDU rack PDU no
Cyberex RPP floor PDU no
Eaton 16 port rPDU rack PDU no
Eaton 9315 UPS, Eaton 9390 UPS floor UPS no
Eaton 93PM UPS / PXGMS floor UPS no
Eaton RPP floor PDU no
Eaton UPS floor UPS no
Emerson CRAC CRAC no
Geist KA16020456 rPDU rack PDU no
IBM rPDU rack PDU no
IBM rPDU DPI+ 46M4002  43V6143 rack PDU no
Janitza DTS310 standalone meter no
Janitza UMG-508 standalone meter no
Janitza UMG-511 standalone meter no
Janitza UMG-604 standalone meter no
Liebert Npower UPS floor UPS no
Liebert PeX AC CRAC no
Liebert PPA050C floor PDU floor PDU no
Liebert UPS floor UPS no
Northern Design Cube400 standalone meter no
Panduit SmartZone rPDU rack PDU no
Raritan BCM-2401, Raritan BCM-2401-KIT-01 power panel yes
Riello UPS floor UPS yes
RLE Falcon standalone meter no
Schneider MGE Galaxy 3500 40 kVA UPS floor UPS yes
Servertech Sentry Switched CDU rack PDU yes
SquareD PM710 standalone meter no
Stulz CRAC CRAC yes
usv-Masterguard UPS floor UPS yes

dcTrack includes the Rules Builder for the Models Library, which allows Administrators to define and manage rules for models. Based on requirements provided by users, Sunbird Technical Support will provide a rule that is uploaded into the application. You can also download prebuilt rules from the Addons site here. The rule is evaluated and applied whenever an item of a designated make and model is created or updated.

The Rules Builder is located in the Settings tab, so you must have access to the Settings tab as an Administrator to import a rule.

To import a rule, first download the rule file, save it to your computer, and unzip the file to a location on your computer. Then, import the rule by following the instructions below:

    1. In dcTrack, click the Settings tab > Models Library. 
    2. In the Models Library, click the Rules button. 

    3. The Manage Rules dialog will display, with rules listed in the left panel and rule details available in the right panel. Click the Upload button at the bottom of the dialog.

    4. In the resulting file selection dialog, select the rule file provided by Sunbird Technical Support or download from the Addons site and click the Open button. (Note: Rules are provided as .zip files. You must unzip the file. The file you should upload will have a .modrule extension and be named with the rule name.)

      This example uses the Update_PDU_Connector rule available for download from the Addons site here.

    5. The Manage Rules dialog will automatically populate with the details of the new rule in the right Rule Details panel. At this point, you can modify the Rule Name if desired. (Note: The rule will not appear in the Rules List in the left panel until after the rule has been saved.) 
    6. Click the Save button to save the rule and complete the import process.

 Once saved, the newly saved rule will appear in the Rules List, and the Saved button will be grayed out and inaccessible.

The rule can now be applied to models. For more information, see the Smart Models section in the dcTrack online help.


The following devices are supported natively or "out of the box" in Power IQ.

For a list of events for supported devices, see the Power IQ online help or user guide available on the Sunbird support portal.

Vendor Product Type Description Model Supported Product Firmware Proxy Index
Required even
when not daisy chained
APC (Schneider) Rack PDU Metered Rack PDU Series 78XX v3.9.3 RPDU   PowerNet 4.5.2
APC (Schneider) Rack PDU Switched Rack PDU Series 79XX

v3.0 NMC3


v7.0.8 RPDU2

v2.5.0.6 RPDU

  PowerNet 4.5.2
APC (Schneider) Rack PDU Switched and Metered (Note: The standalone and daisy chained PDUs are both supported.) 8XXX 

v3.0 NMC3

v7.1.3 RPDU2

v2.5.0.6 RPDU

  PowerNet 4.5.2
APC (Schneider) Rack PDU Switched Rack PDU Series (Note: The standalone and daisy chained PDUs are both supported.) 9XXX

v3.0 NMC3

v2.5.0.6 RPDU

  PowerNet 4.5.2
APC (Schneider) Rack PDU Switched and Metered (Note: The standalone and daisy chained PDUs are both supported.) 10XXX 


v2.0.6.5 NetShelter

APC (Schneider) Netbotz Probe All models All f/w    
APC (Schneider) UPS Uninterruptible power supply backUPS, Smart-UPS series, Smart-UPS X series, Floor UPS families, GVSUPS100KG, Symmetra LX series 520.2000.D Symmetra   PowerNet 4.5.2
Aphel (Eaton) PDU Single phase meter DBQ10285/3     Aphel_Genesis
Avocent (Vertiv) Rack PDU Rack PDU Series PM1000, PM2000, PM3000 1.3.0   Avocent-PM-MIB_2.0.1
Baytech Rack PDU RPC Series RPC Series with Ethernet Access; standalone or with a DC controller F 1.09   Baytech_UNIV_4131
Baytech Rack PDU   MRP and MMP Series     Baytech_UNIV_4131
Chatsworth PDU

P3 series

P4 series

P6 series

E1 series

All take the form PX-xxxxx-xxx   Standalone can be added with no proxy, when in a secure array uses the MAC address as proxy index CPI-UNITY-MIB-01_10_2023
Chatsworth PDU 36 outlet, 3 phase, 60 amp, Vertical 24 outlet




5.3.1050 and newer   CPI-UNITY-MIB-01_10_2023
Control Solutions, Inc. Gateway Protocol Inverter Babel Buster SPX      
CyberSwitching Rack PDU Smart Dualcom series DC1620V, DC1630ViC B, DC1640V, DC440i, DC440L, DC460L, DC820, DC830i, DC840    




Cyclades Rack PDU Cyclades PM PDU series Cyclades PM PDU series products are connected to Cyclades ACS Console Server (via SNMP)   Required, the first digit of the proxy index is the serial port that the PDU is attached to the ACS server and the second digit is the position in the chain the PDU is in

Eaton Rack PDU ePDU Eaton standard Density & High Density PWXXX series models   (G3, eAM004) – default 0 EATON-EPDU-MIB
Geist (Vertiv) Rack PDU Ethernet Metered PDUs GM Series EM40/GM1 5-120, EM40/GM1 5-80 1.46   Geist_EM_v2.08
Geist (Vertiv)     EM 8/GM6, EM 8/GM 3, EM 40/GM 22, EM 8/G M2, EM 8/GM 1     Geist_EM_v2.08
HP Rack PDU AF Series AF 5XXX, 9XXX, 370962-D7 1    



HP Rack PDU Rack PDUs with HP power strips that use the PDU2 section of the HP-Compaq Power MIB HP 8.6kVA 208V 3Ph 21out NA/JP mPDU    


Knurr (Vertiv) Rack PDU DI-STRIP® Knuerr PDU-Ethernet system   Required, must be greater than 0 Knuerr-PDU-ETH-MIB_20131113
Liebert (Vertiv) Rack PDU   MPX, MPH, & MPH2 Series   Required, must be greater than 0  
Liebert (Vertiv) UPS Uninterruptible power supply NPower 30 - 130 kVA UPS Systems V 1 .27  













Liebert (Vertiv) FDC Power Distribution Cabinet Each FDC can have up to 4 panels. Each panel in turn supports up to 42 circuits     Required, must be greater than 0













MRV Console Server LX Series LX4000T   Required, must be greater than 0

MRV_LX System


nVent Rack PDU Only PDU’s with IP dongle firmware IPG-02-FW-v07 PDU’s with IP dongle W meter firmware 1B-v14W or above   RackPower-MIB-Q418V2
Network Technologies Incorporated PDU Sensor Aggregator Enviromux   Optional, if no proxy index specified the plugin  assigns a value of 1 NTI_Environmux_sems-16-v1.11-1
MRV Rack PDU LX Series LX-5250, LX-5210, LX-4800 5.3.2 Required, must be greater than 0  
Raritan (Legrand) Rack PDU Hybrid and Classic PDUs EM40/PM1 5-120, EM40/PM1 5-80, EM 8/PM 6, EM 8/PM 3, EM 40/PM 22, EM 8/PM 2, EM 8/PM 1 1.46 Optional, if no proxy index specified,  the plugin will assign a value of 1. If specified cannot be 0.If a proxy index is given it will discover that one specifically and all children. RaritanPDU_1.6
Raritan (Legrand) Rack PDU PX Series All models in each CDU series All firmware versions Optional, defaults to 1 if no proxy index is provided. RaritanPDU_1.6
RT Systems PDU Sensor Aggregator TM2, TM3     RTSYS-MIB


Rittal (Friedhelm Loh Group) Rack PDU Metered Power System Module & CMC-TC Processing Unit II

M/V4x and M/V5x models




  CMC-TU – 0 or greater, in PIQ 5.1.2 RITTAL-CMC-III-CAPABILITY-MIB
Schleifenbauer Rack PDU  








  Optional, if no proxy index specified, the plugin assigns a value of 1





ServerTech (Legrand) Rack PDU POPS, Switched, and Smart series, CDUs and Sentry3 and 4 All models in each CDU series

6.0, 7.0, 8.0

(Recommended v7.0m firmware or newer)

Optional, if no proxy index specified, the plugin assigns a value of 1. If specified cannot be 0. If a proxy index is given it will discover that one specifically and all children.



Rack PDU Hawk-I Controller Unit & PDUs     Required, must be greater than 0  
Tripp Lite Rack PDU  




Starline (Legrand) PDU / Rack PDU Overhead Power Distribution

M40 series

V40 series

M50 series

V50 series

Complete model list here

4.07 M type meters will be discovered using a proxy index of 1. Null proxy index 0 will not be used

V type meters will take a proxy index of 1 up to the maximum outlet count.
Proxy Index 1 will represent Outlet 1
Proxy Index 2 will represent Outlet 2, etc

Read and Write community strings must be the same



Widgets are the building blocks of your dashboard and are prepopulated on dashboard pages in the dcTrack Web Client. Each widget displays data on a specific KPI or metric, with some widgets having additional dropdown selectors to filter the data based on various parameters for additional granularity. In addition to preconfigured widgets, customizable widgets also are available. These include chart widgets, SQL grid widgets, and HTML widgets.

A user with the Administrator role or a globally defined Gatekeeper or Operator role can add, edit, or delete any widgets, including custom widgets but excluding default chart widgets, so you must have one of these roles in order to import a dashboard widget.

New widgets are added from the Dashboard tab in the dcTrack Web Client.

This topic covers the following:


Importing an SQL Widget

You can create SQL queries for the SQL widget yourself, obtain them from Sunbird Technical Support, or copy them from the Addons site here. The resulting widget is in a grid/tabular format for easy data exploration and analysis.

Administrators and global Gatekeepers can add or remove permissions for grid widgets. If you do not see the data you expect, you may not have permissions to access that data. Contact your dcTrack system administrator for more information.

To import an SQL widget:

  1. In the dcTrack Web Client, click on the Dashboard tab.
  2. Navigate to the dashboard page where you want to add the widget. (Note: This can be any dashboard except the Enterprise Health dashboard.)
  3. Click the New Widget icon in the Dashboard tab menu.

  4. In the dropdown, select the SQL Grid Widget option.
  5. The SQL Grid Widget Settings dialog displays in a popup. You are able to specify the Title, Refresh rate, and SQL query. All fields are required.
  6. In the SQL Query (ODBC) field, add your SQL query.
  7. Click the Save button.

  8. The widget will be added to the dashboard.

Note: The SQL widget uses dcTrack's ODBC views. For more information, including ODBC tables, see the dcTrack ODBC View Tables and Sample Queries section in the dcTrack API Guide.

Importing a Custom Chart Widget

Custom chart widgets are available for users who want specific metrics that are not covered by the available default widgets. Any existing chart type can be used to create a custom chart widget. The resulting widget will display as a chart, similar to the default chart widgets available natively.

Custom chart widgets can be created by Sunbird Technical Support or downloaded from the Addons site here.

 To import a chart widget:

  1. In the dcTrack Web Client, click on the Dashboard tab.
  2. Navigate to the dashboard page where you want to add the widget. (Note: This can be any dashboard except the Enterprise Health dashboard.)
  3. Click the New Widget icon in the Dashboard tab menu. 
  4. In the dropdown, select the Chart Widget option. 

  5. The Custom Widget Upload dialog will display. Click the Upload button.

  6. In the resulting file selection dialog, select the widget file provided by Sunbird Technical Support or downloaded from the Addons site and click the Open button. (Note: Widgets are provided as .zip files. You must unzip the file. The file you should upload will have a .widget extension and be named with the widget name.)

    This example uses the Cabinet Space By Location and Cabinet Group widget available on the Addons site here.

  7. Close the Custom Widget Upload dialog.
  8. The file will be automatically uploaded once selected, and the new widget file will be added to the dashboard.